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My Dear Fellow Aviators,

I know how testing the current situation is, Especially for us in the Aviation field. So much of uncertainty and negativity is creeping in. On top of all that, our frustration grows further since we feel stuck on ground longing to get airborne. That’s how Aviators are wired, we are HUMANS DESTINED TO FLY.

It’s quite evident that our lives have taken a drastic turn and there is a “New Normal” that we all have been forced to adapt. As any other creature on planet earth we resist change and we feel challenged by this “New Normal”. But we have to look for the silver lining in every dark cloud, these times has given a new opportunity to look back and evaluate our lives. As people working on strenuous rosters, very seldom we get time for ourselves to sit and re think about our lives. So, I believe it’s upon us to make the most of these times. Even though times are tough, I invite you all to look at this situation as a blessing in disguise and make the most of it.

Be kind to one another, listen with empathy, spread love, and most importantly help each other in this testing times. Because we can only win this fight not as individuals, but as a team. As ONE TEAM called HUMAN BEINGS. Stay Safe!

Manja J- Founder

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